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Plastic Slip Sheet

Slip sheet for pallet-free transportation of goods, made from 100% cellular polypropylene or PVC. Highly resistant to traction and to breakages and resistant against moisture and liquids.. Occupy less space and more lightweight than traditional pallets and thus help to reduce transport costs and use less storage space.


Resistant to moisture and to liquids.

Ideal for transporting goods containing liquids, oils or other chemical agents.

Greater durability; can be reused more times than a cardboard Slip Sheet

Lower cost compared with conventional wooden or plastic pallets

Significant savings in export costs.

More space in your container compared with traditional pallets. 1.000 slip sheets = 1 m3/ 1.000 pallets = 70 m3.

Lighter weight and easier to handle than traditional pallets.

No need for phytosanitary treatment against insects or parasites.

No metal elements such as nails or staples.

Weights and dimensions
  • Weights: 1.8mm-250gr. 3.5mm-800gr
  • Standard Dimensions: 800 x 1200 and 1000 x 1200, with 60 and 100 flaps mm.
  • Special Dimensions: We can cater for non-standard dimensions, according to your needs.
  • Flaps: no flaps / 1 flap / 2 attached flaps / 2 front flaps / 4 flaps.
Customisation options
  • Standard and Customisable Dimensions
  • Antislip
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