Home / Products / Cellular Polypropylene / Cellular Polypropylene Divider Grids

Cellular Polypropylene Divider Grids

Cellular polypropylene separation grids are used to position certain containers/products inside a box, securing them during transport. Our polypropylene grids can be used to package products in clean rooms, avoiding contamination from dust particles. Ideal for glass or plastic vials/flasks and automobile parts.


Keeps products stable.

Can be made to fit any dimensions.

Recyclable material.

High resistance to water and chemical agents

Guaranteed durability and impermeability.


Non-toxic material.

Food-safe material.

Able to withstand a wide range of temperatures, from -30º up to +70º.

Does not release dust particles.

Prevents build-up of moisture, grease, mould or bacteria.

Weights and dimensions
  • Adaptable dimensions according to your project.
  • Weights from 250 up to 2000 g/m2.
  • Thicknesses from 1.6 up to 10 mm.
Customisation options
  • Wide range of colours available: natural translucent, white, black, blue, grey, brown, green, red, orange, yellow and other non-standard colours.
  • Laminated with different materials such as foam, non-woven fabric and anti-slip coating.
  • Micro perforated.
  • Option to mixing in additives providing UV resistance, anti-corrosion action (VCI) and electrical conductivity (ESD).
  • Option of special treatments such as riveting and/or stitching.
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